In a solo show in Ticho House (2006), Gal Weinstein displayed four small “drawings” based on a series of photographs recording the spread of a forest fire. The drawings, actually made of varying thickness of steel wool and felt on paper, were hung alongside dark landscapes by Anna Ticho. Weinstein’s video in the current exhibition is again displayed beside Ticho’s black charcoal drawings, but here the artist reverses the process, igniting a steel wool sketch of a forest. Surprisingly, although the steel wool burns, it is not consumed; the forest remains intact when the fire dies out. Only with steel wool, a material associated with Weinstein, can this effect be achieved, enabling Weinstein to shoot four different fires lit on the same sketch. The flame functions as a moving pictorial image. Where the artist previously deconstructed the movement of the fire through the forest by means of a series of photographs, here he connects the images to produce a continuous film. And instead of representing a forest fire, he offers real flames licking at his picture: a drawing of a forest fire.